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The Birth of a new vintage
The birth of a new vintage!
On of the most exciting times in the vineyard is the "Birth of a new vintage" when the vines come alive from a long winters nap and a new crop emerges. It's the beginning of our 2022 vintage. While exciting to see, it doesn't come without risk. This year we had some late frost which damaged some of our vines. (Mostly La Crescent and Maraquette) These vines are located in the front vineyard and they have the lowest elevation. This allows cold air to settle on the vines. Four nights of being up all night mitagating the freezing temperatures is no fun. How successful where we? Well it depends how you look at it. We lost 7% of our crop in the front vineyard. Given the temperations of a low of 28 for 4 hours one night then 7 hours of 30 degrees another night and then an additional 2 more nights, we thought we did fairly well.
Pictured below is Paul building the bon fires that kept the back vineyard warm.
A glimps at our front vineyard with heaters set to run all night long.
And...........the resulting frost that took 7 % of our buds.
Today the vineyard is looking great and the vines are growing. We have high hopes for a wonderful 2022 vintage with the hopes that we can get a 100% Maraquette wine, a new blend of Arandell with Maraquette or La Crescent with Cayuga. It's so fun to have a new grape produce a new wine for us and our customers.
It takes 4 years of planning to produce a wine. Unlike Beer you can have something in a few months, wine on the other hand takes planning and waiting. We are super excited as 2 new grapes will be a part of our tasting room offerings with this 2022 vintage.
Cheers and thank you for your interest in our vineyard.