Media chatter
Covid-19 guidelines because we care!
Update on COVID-19
As of November 6th,2022, masks are no longer required. You may wear a mask if you like when entering the tasting room or you may be served from a side window, never entering the building. We do this for anyone who may be immune compromised or uncomfortable being inside. Please call 540-664-2048 if you have any concerns.
Thank you for supporting a local vineyard.
As we open we will post important information for you here. Our governor has allowed us to open with restrictions. These restrictions will dictate the future of our vineyards. Our policies must be held to the highest standard.
We are in Phase 3.. The BRIEDE VINEYARDS have safeguards in place so that you may enjoy your visit with us yet adhear to the Governors mandatory requirements. This is an ever changing environment so please be patient as we adapt to our new "normal".
Masks are required in Public Places inside. We are an outside facility at the moment. However while moving around it's always good to protect yourself and other by wearing a mask. 6' seleration is required at all times.
We have installed a porta-a-potty for our customer use with Hand sanitizer. This will be sprayed down with Clorox periodically through out the day. You must maintain 6' waiting in line for the potty.
To order you may go to the window on the patio tasting room and place your order. Please maintain 6' distancing. You will need ID. No tastings will be available however we are offering flights and wine by the glass.. The tasting room will remain closed.
Bottle Sales on wines. What you don't drink we will package up for you in sealed bag.
Children must remain seated if they come to the vineyards. No open play areas allowed by Virginia law under phase 3 due to insuring safe distancing guidelines. .
Picnics are great...... we have several picnic tables very far apart. No alcohol brought into the property!
Social distancing of 6' a must!!! This is important.
Tasting Room Building will be closed.
.You are allowed to come with a group and sit together providing that it's during normal business hours. If it's an "event" (group outside normal business hours) social distancing is a must. We didn't make this rule and I think trying to understand it, they are trying to discourage "events"
When bad weather threatens you must return to your car.
The future of our vineyards here in Virginia are dependent upon your cooperation. We only have one time to get this right and we appreciate our customers working with us to make that happen. Thank you!
Loretta Briede